

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Sandora

I was born and raised in Queens New York and moved down to this fabulous state 9 years ago. I have 2 wonderful and amazing boys who attend Wake County Public Schools. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Queens College and a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Grand Canyon University. I have been an early childhood educator for over 17 years. I taught public Prek in NYC for many years , and  this is my 3rd year teaching kindergarten at Pleasant Grove. Education is my passion and I am super proud to be a Flyer! My interests include American Sign Language and I have incorporated it into my classrooms since I began teaching. It is truly awesome to see how quickly the little ones pick it up, enjoying learning  and using it, and begin to sign to each other on their own.  I am also a huge animal lover and vegan for 30 years and spent many years volunteering for different animal advocate and welfare organizations  in NYC.  My favorite things to do with my family are reading, listening to and playing music, attending church and spending time out in nature.