• Here Comes the Bus App

    Information for Here Comes the Bus app can be found on WCPSS transportation page.  School code for WCPSS is 67500.

    Bus Routes

    Families that do not have access to the internet should check bus routes at their school.

    You can find transportation information specific to your student on Homebase/Powerschool. Click the Transportation tab for detailed information.

    • If you do not have a Home Base/Powerschool account, you can sign up at your student’s school. More information on Home Base is available at www.wcpss.net/student-information.


    Bus stops

    Transportation will provide service based on the family’s residence of record.  Students who do not use transportation services for 10 consecutive days will be removed from routes. Families would need to request Transportation services using the online form to reactivate the student’s bus stop assignment.

    Students will be dropped off in the afternoon at the same stop where they were picked up in the morning.   Administrators will not sign notes requesting approval for students to travel on different routes or to different stops. 

    Parents/Guardians seeking a change to the location of the bus stop assigned to their child should complete the Transportation Service Request Form online.   The Transportation Department will review requests and follow-up with parents within 10 business days.

    In an effort to keep students safe on buses (as well as contract vehicles) and to operate our buses as efficiently as possible, it is important parents and students understand the current policy regarding school buses as outlined in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook.   Students are expected to be considerate of the safety and well-being of themselves and fellow students at bus stops and on buses.  Please obey the following:

    • Kindergarten and first grade students must be met at the bus stop by a parent or guardian. If the parent is not at the stop the student will be returned to school.  Parents can write a letter stating an older sibling, relative, or another adult will meet the K or 1st grade student.  This signed letter should be turned in to the bus driver.
    • Respect and obey the driver at all times.  Do not distract the driver while he/she is driving. 
    • At the bus stop, stay out of the street and be respectful of the property around the bus stop.  (Arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes before the bus arrives so that the bus does not have to wait.)
    • Talk quietly without yelling or using bad language.
    • Stay in the assigned seat and keep body parts and objects out of the aisles and in the bus at all times. Place your backpack in your lap.
    • Keep the bus clean and pick up any dropped trash.
    • Do not damage the bus or tamper with equipment or emergency door.
    • Keep your hands to yourself.  No fighting or horseplay.
    • Keep food and drinks in book bag.  Do not eat or drink on the bus.
    • Ride only the bus to which you are assigned.  Get on/off the bus only at your assigned stop.
    • Parents, please supervise students at bus stops as appropriate based on age.
    • Parents, address bus issues with the WCPSS Transportation Department.  (Parents may not board buses or discuss issues with the drivers during the route.)
    If your child does not follow the above expectations, disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including suspension from the bus for 1 or more days. 

    Concerns about late buses, drivers, routes, etc can be addressed by calling (919) 805-3030.  Review up-to-date bus routes and stops for the latest information about your child's bus route.