Turner Creek Elementary opened in 2004. We operate on the year-round calendar. Students at the year-round schools are divided into four groups, called tracks, with each track having its own calendar. In a year-round elementary school, the traditional 180-day school year is divided into nine-week quarters with a three week break at the end of each quarter. Students are in school the same number of days as their counterparts in traditional schools; the days are simply redistributed throughout the year. The reorganized schedule is called a 45/15 - 45 days in school, 15 days off.
Schedules are staggered so that, at any given time, three tracks are in school and one is on break. These staggered schedules make it possible for the school to serve up to thirty-three percent more students than its intended capacity.
Year-round schools provide a more continuous learning process. Since students do not have long summer vacations, major reviewing in the fall is eliminated. Students and teachers are more energized throughout the year due to regular breaks. The three-week breaks provide frequent enrichment and remedial opportunities for students during the year.