Leader of the Pack

  • Leader of the Pack is a program designed to recognize students for their academic achievement as well as their role-model behavior.  Students do not qualify for Leader of the Pack for the following reasons:  OSS, ALC (for behavior), a failing grade in any class. 



    Students earn points based on grades and conduct on the report card. 


    A = 8 points
    B = 6 points
    C = 4 points 
    D = 0 points
    F = not eligible



    Excellent = 8 points
    Above Average = 6 points
    Average or Below Average = 0 points


    Celebrations for students who qualify for Leader of the Pack

    December:  Dance (admission is free and only LOP students can attend; concessions will be sold)

    February: Free admission to the Homecoming Basketball Game + Free snacks

    April: Chill Out with Kona Ice

    April:  Mudcats Baseball drawing (all Leader of the Pack students are entered into a drawing for a free Mudcats game)

The image shows the Leader of the Pack points chart
The image shows the Leader of the Pack Points chart example