About Our School

School Mission, Vision, & Values

  • Mission Statement: 

    Wendell Middle School will empower students to be productive citizens in an ever-changing global society.


    Vision Statement: 

    Wendell Middle School collaborates with staff, students and families to foster a supportive, respectful, and organized environment. Students are instilled with a desire to learn, to achieve, and to be a caring, contributing citizen in an ever-changing global society


    Value Statement 

    • We will be respectful in our interactions with students, colleagues and parents. 
    • We will take responsibility for our actions. 
    • We will teach all children. 
    • We will focus on learning and teaching for all. 
    • We will use data to drive our decision making. 
    • We will create a safe, orderly environment where all stakeholders are valued and expectations are clear.