• Ms. Draughn              Student Services Technician         pdraughn@wcpss.net 
    Ms. McCallister          6th Grade Counselor                     wmcallister@wcpss.net 
    Mr. Thomas                7th Grade Counselor                     fthomas@wcpss.net 
    Ms. Leonce                8th Grade Counselor                     jhowardleaonce@wcpss.net  
    Ms. Harris                  Social Worker                                wjharris@wcpss.net 
    Ms. Jones                  School Psychologist                      ajones19@wcpss.net
    Ms. Rivera                 School Nurse                                 crivera3@wcpss.net 
    The Student Services Department is comprised of three certified counselors, a social worker, a psychologist, a student services technician, and the school nurse. Our Student Services department embraces the philosophy that:
    • Every student can achieve a high level of academic growth and success.
    • Every student has unique learning needs.
    • Every student has developmental, social and emotional needs.
    • Every student has the right to access support provided by the school counselor.
    • Every student will have an advocate in the school counselor

     Records Requests

    • The following records may be requested online:

      • Transcripts/Immunizations for current students and alumni.
      • Documents to apply for a new social security card or for DMV.
      • Proof of Graduation documents (if grades are not needed).
      • Central Records does not provide duplicate diplomas.

      School records for K-12 students transferring to another school or district (these records must be requesting by the enrolling school) must be requested online:

      Effective June 1, 2019, in an effort to provide an enhanced and more secure service for our transfer students, all records requests for our former (transferring) students must be made online using K-12 Transfer.  Official records requests submitted by fax, phone, email and mail will no longer be accepted by K-12 schools or districts.  Please note there is not a fee for K-12 school or districts.

      To request records from a WCPSS school for a student who is transferring to your school, please visit:  https://transfer.scriborder.com/

      After the request has been submitted, if you have a question or concern, please either:

      • Contact Central Records at 919-694-0585 if you are a former student
      • Contact your high school if you are a current student requesting a transcript
      • Contact the WCPSS school of the K-12 student transferring to your school or district.

      We cannot give out student information, including Student ID #s, over the phone. In order to receive student information, you must request it online or in person at Central Records.

    WCPSS Free & Reduced Meals Information