• Vision Statement

    Davis Drive Middle School will cultivate a culture of continuous growth that empowers each student to achieve excellence inside and outside of the classroom.

    Value Statements

    • We provide quality instruction in a safe environment that is rigorous, enriching, and collaborative to advance student learning and achievement.
    • We expect students, staff, and families to model integrity, respect, responsibility, and to support our commitment to excellence.
    • We recognize that children have different needs and are committed to ensuring all are challenged to reach their full potential.
    • We provide learning opportunities which allow students to collaborate, create, communicate, and think critically.
    • We use our Professional Learning Communities and professional learning to promote and support a culture of continuous improvement, academic risk-taking, and innovation focused on student growth.
    • We encourage family and community engagement to foster a shared responsibility for students to grow and be successful academically, socially, and emotionally.