Contact Us
CONTACT PHONE # Main Office (919) 562-3500 Fax (919) 670-4322 Student Services (919) 562-3500 ext 22387 Cafeteria (919) 562-3500 ext 22362 Media Center (919) 562-3500 ext 22375 Athletics (919) 562-3500 ext 22348 Transportation (919) 805-3030 Attendance (written/electronic communication only) pmorrison@wcpss.net
Wakefield Middle School Communication Guide 2024-2025
Main Line: 919.562.3500 https://www.wcpss.net/wakefieldms
Please express your education questions or concerns directly with the teacher.
Please express your concern about an issue involving your child’s education or classroom experience directly with the teacher. This includes FIELD TRIP money collection.
Teacher emails can be found on the Wakefield Middle School website under Our School, Staff Directory. Please be specific in your communication and let the teacher know the best times to reach out to you. Please be patient as the school day is filled with important student learning. You may also utilize Talking Points to contact your student’s teacher.School Counselors
If you have concerns regarding your student’s emotional or social growth, social interactions, or overall well-being, please contact the appropriate grade-level counselor. The main school phone number is 919.562.3500. Please enter the appropriate extension.
6th Grade:
Ms. Yolanda Jarrett ext 22377 ysjarrett@wcpss.net
7th Grade:
Dr. Elaine Harper ext 22380 charper@wcpss.net
8th Grade:
Ms. Cristine Cox ext 22378 ccox2@wcpss.net
Student Support Staff
Ms. Lawana Barefoot lbarefoot@wcpss.net
Ms. Erica Nivens ext 22366 enivens@wcpss.net
Social Worker:
Ms. Erica Hemphill ext 22368 ehemphill@wcpss.net
School Nurse:
Ms. Nicole Lane ext 22367 nlane@wcpss.net
Clerical Asst:
Ms. Courtney Heggie ext 22387 cnheggie@wcpss.net
Data Manager:
Ms. Pam Morrison ext 22384 pmorrison@wcpss.net
If questions or concerns exist AFTER utilizing the above communication guide, please contact the appropriate grade level administrators.
6th Grade Assistant Principal: Ms. Sonya Meeks sdmeeks@wcpss.net
7th Grade Assistant Principal: Mr. Nick Wheeler nwheeler@wcpss.net
8th Grade Assistant Principal: Ms. La Toya Brothers lbrothers@wcpss.netPrincipal
If further discussion is needed, please reach out to the principal, Dr. Jeff Rachlin jrachlin@wcpss.net
Additional Helpful Contacts
AIG: Ms. Amy Clemens aclemens@wcpss.net
Athletics (including athletic eligibility): Ms. Suzanne Rurkowski srurkowski@wcpss.net
Attendance (written/electronic communication only): Ms. Pam Morrison pmorrison@wcpss.net
Parent Portal Access and Questions: Ms. Pam Morrison pmorrison@wcpss.net
Special Education: Ms. Angie Mills amills2@wcpss.net or Ms. Catherine Shifflett cshifflett@wcpss.net
Tech Issues with Student Laptops: WCPSS Help Desk 919.664.5700
Transportation Department: 919.805.3030