New Student Registration Information
We at Sycamore Creek Elementary want to make the registration process as easy as possible. Rising Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before August 31st. Here is some information that we hope you will find helpful.Please call our Data Manager, Maureen Goodwin at Phone (919) 841-4333 ext 25464 if you have any questions.ITEMS NEEDED FOR REGISTRATION:
- Certified Birth Certificate (Contact the school if you do not have a certified copy)
- Immunization Records (not mandatory for enrollment)
- 2 Proofs of Residence (Please bring two items. Wake County accepts ONLY the following - Signed Purchase Contract, Signed Closing Settlement, Signed Lease Agreement, current electric, water or gas bill) If you are living with someone that all bills are in their name, please complete Affidavit of Residence form below.
- Parent/Guardian Photo ID
Affidavit of Residence Form (This form is only needed if you are living with someone that all bills are in their name).