Positive Behavior Intervention and Support

  • Washington Elementary uses Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) as an approach for establishing a culture and individualized behavioral supports needed for our school to be an effective learning environment for all students.

    We are in the second year of a three year PBIS implementation process. We are currently developing universal strategies, such as our STAR Expectations, to clearly define and teach our students what is expected in all areas of their school experience. Throughout the implementation process you can expect to see more clearly defined expectations for each area of the school, as well as a school-wide reinforcement system.

  • Guiding Principles

    • All students are valuable and deserve respect.
    • Punishment is often ineffective at changing behavior.
    • Teaching a new behavior changes behavior.
    • Positive relationships between students and adults are key student success.
    • Create a universal language,
    • Increase consistency across settings,
    • Help teachers and administrators problem solve with students
    • Change the climate by focusing on what to do instead of what not to do.
  • Our STAR Expectations

    Show self control

    Take responsibility

    Act Safely

    Respect yourself and others

    Be a shining star!
