Homework Policy

  • The following are school-wide expectations for homework:

    Homework should be meaningful. It should enrich and extend school experiences and reinforce learning. In addition, it is for the purpose of encouraging students to work towards independence and self-direction. Grade level teachers should plan cooperatively to present overlapping of assignments and to consider the needs and abilities of individual students. Grade levels will determine the types of assignments collaboratively to build consistency across classrooms. Some grades, especially in the lower grades, may elect to send home a packet of work home to be completed over the week or month. Teachers should be mindful of special PTA or school-wide evening events when assigning homework. Recommended time parameters for daily assignments will differ by grade level but should not exceed the following:

    The following are grade specific expectations for the completion and grading of homework:

    - Kindergarten: 20 minutes

    - First: 20 minutes

    - Second: 30 mintutes

    - Third: 40 minutes

    - Fourth: 50 minutes

    - Fifth: 50 minutes

    All times noted include nightly reading. If there are projects or other long-term assignments, other nightly homework should be reduced. 

    Each teacher should follow the guidelines concerning the amount of homework assigned and the length of time required for completion.

    The teacher will introduce a concept or skill, thoroughly explain the concept or skill, and provide guided practice before making a related homework assignment.

    Homework assignments should be specific, within the student’s ability and have clearly defined expectations. Questions related to the completion of a homework assignment should be answered and clarified.

    Homework assignments are not to be graded, but considered practice and in reporting a student’s work habits grade. Students should receive some kind of feedback from homework.

    Homework should not be given as busy work or as punishment

    Homework should not be assigned on weekends, except as optional activities for extra practice or enrichment.