2017-2018 Walker Information
Apex Elementary serves three neighboring communities in regards to walkers. In order to ensure that your child's safety is a priority, we ask that a parent or guardian is in place to receive the student at the end of the day.
How to become a walker?
In order to have your child walk home from school, a parent/guardian must fill out the Student Locator Release form (English | Spanish) and return it to the front office.
Walker Locations
James St. Walkers will exit the front of the school building and make two drop off points. The first is at the end of the sidewalk moving towards carpool on the side street of James St. The second drop point is at the crosswalk of James St. and Tingen Rd. Students must wait for the crossing guard to direct them across the street.
Perry Farms Walkers will exit the building through the 2nd grade hallway facing Tingen Rd. and move along the sidewalk of Tingen Rd. towards Perry Farms. Students must wait for the crossing guard to direct them across the street.
West Haven Walkers will exit the building through the 2nd grade hallway facing Tingen Rd. and move along the sidewalk of Tingen Rd. towards West haven. Students must wait for school staff to direct them to cross the street once they have arrived at West Haven.