

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Day

I am originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I attended college at Saint Vincent College and graduate school at Duquesne University, both in PA. I started my career working in the mental health field with children in group homes and residential treatment facilities. I moved to North Carolina after finishing graduate school and have worked in WCPSS since 2007 as a School Psychologist. 

I support WCPSS district level departmental teams, including Crisis and Response. I am a School Psychologist Mentor and continue to develop and grow my professional skills on a number of different teams. I have worked at several schools in the county, including High Schools. I am currently assigned to support Lincoln Heights Environmental Connections Magnet Elementary as well as Holly Springs Year-Round Elementary. I love coming to work here to see what new and exciting things the teachers and students are working on. I love to see growth in our students, and I think by working with teachers and families to understand behavioral health and academic development we can really make an impact! 

My husband, daughters and I enjoy being adventurous, watching and playing sports, singing, and dancing, and we all love eating ice cream!