• Fred. A. Olds Elementary School

    Internet Safety Plan

    As required by Board Policy 2313 / 3013 / 4013, all schools in the Wake County Public School System will implement a yearly plan to educate students on Internet Safety.  As a part of that plan, our school will address:

    • Appropriate Online Behaviors
    • Interacting with Others Via Social Websites and Chat Rooms
    • Cyber-Bullying Awareness and Response

     School Wide Efforts

    In the first few weeks of school, homeroom teachers will review school expectations that will include basic rules for Internet safety and review of the WCPSS Acceptable Use Policy.

    The school will develop and post in the computer labs expectations aligned with our PBIS slogan, P.A.C.K. (Prepared, Act responsibly, Cooperate with others and Keep a positive attitude).

    During Information Literacy and Technology (ILT) class, all students will talk about Internet safety, good decision making and positive interpersonal relationships.  During this unit, the media specialist will include appropriate stories and texts regarding Internet safety.  As a part of this instruction, expectations for Internet safety will be re-emphasized.

    The school will post on its website information and weblinks to provide information for parents and students related to Internet safety.  This will include a link to the WCPSS Internet Safety website - https://www.wcpss.net/what-we-teach/curriculum/tech.html and the NC Department of Justice website - http://www.ncdoj.gov/Protect-Yourself/Protect-Children/Protecting-Kids-on-the-Internet.aspx.

    At the beginning of each year, the school’s administration will provide staff key information related to Internet Safety.

    Any teacher asking students to engage in Internet research as a part of classwork will provide minimal instruction on safe use of the Internet and/or coordinate with the librarian for training in that setting on Internet Safety.

    We will make periodic announcements via the morning announcements related to appropriate Internet safety.

    The school will monitor student computer use on school grounds.

    When the school has knowledge of students engaging in potentially unsafe behavior online, the counselor will work with the student on making positive choices and the school will contact the parents.