
    Morning Drop Off Begins at 8:00 AM
    Please do not drop your child off before 8:00 AM, as there is no supervision.
    Afternoon Pick Up Begins at 3:00 PM
    Transportation changes should be called in to the office before 2:45 PM.
    The office cannot check children out after 2:45 PM.
    Students may arrive between 8:00 and 8:30 AM. Breakfast is served during this thirty-minute period for students who would like to eat their breakfast at school. The instructional day begins at 8:30 AM, so it is very important that parents ensure their children arrive in plenty of time in order to be "ready to learn" at 8:30 AM. A calm, non-rushed morning is better for everyone, so please try to set that kind of routine for your whole family.

    The school day ends at 3:00 PM. Students will be dismissed in three different ways: walkers, carpool, and bus. If you know you will have difficulty picking your children up at this time, please make arrangements for after-school care at a daycare provider in the area.

    Absences/Late Arrival:
    Please provide the classroom teacher with a note as to why your Leopard was absent. When a student arrives late, you are asked to sign him/her in at the front office.

    For the safety of all children, students may not be dropped off in the parking lot other than the designated carpool unloading zone.