Attention to Families with an Acceptance Letter:
For all families who have RECEIVED an acceptance letter from PreK services, please print off the following packet and bring the filled out packet to Southeast Raleigh Elementary School. Please call 919-694-8444 and ask for the SERES Data Manager to set up a time to bring in your packet. We will start accepting packets on Wednesday, August 5th.
With the packet you must bring:
- Proof of address: power bill, gas bill or water bill ONLY. If you haven't been at your residence long enough to receive one of these you may bring a signed lease agreement or closing statement. Once you get a utility bill you will need to bring that to the school.
- Photo ID for the parent
- Child's Birth Certificate
- Shot Record
- Copy of the acceptance letter
Please see the document below. Click on the square Pop Out icon in the top right corner to be able to print it.