• If you live within a mile and half from our school or are designated by WCPSS as living in a "No Transport/Walker Zone", it is possible for your child(ren) to obtain walker status in the morning and/or afternoon. If you're interested in applying for your child(ren) to be considered for walker status, please email Ashley Byars abyars@wcpss.net. Your proximity to the school will be reviewed by a team and a decision will be made to ensure safety for all students. Students who are not approved to walk to school will need to utilize bus transportation or carpool.

    Students who are granted a walker pass should enter the school building through the front doors by 8:25am. For dismissal, a staff member will dismiss walkers at Eagle Landing (silver picnic tables to the right of the school). Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students will require an adult (not older sibling) to walk with them and must be on the approved pick-up list which will be validated by proof of photo ID. Please pick up your walker(s) by 3:05pm each day at Eagle Landing.

    Walkers who are picked up in a vehicle will have their walker pass rescinded and will be required to sign up for bus transportation or carpool.

    Walker/Biker Process

    • Email Ashley Byars abyars@wcpss.net to request walker approval. In the email, please be sure to provide the following information:
      • Student's first and last name
      • Address
      • If you're requesting walker status for arrival, dismissal or both
    • Ms. Byars will contact families to share if their request is approved or denied.
    • Once approved, students will be provided a walker tag that must remain on their bookbag at all times.
    • All K-5 walkers will meet at Eagle Landing at 3:05 pm each day. 
      • K-3 students will be dismissed to an approved adult (photo ID required to pick up student)
      • 4-5th graders will be dismissed independently 

    7 tips to help kids walk to school safely in honor of Walk to School Day