• Wildwood Forest Newsletter

    Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024


    Thank you for attending Open House and learning more about Title I. If you did not get an opportunity to take the survey it can be found here - https://forms.gle/kqyCGM6P8ENbwPAQ8

    Please complete the survey to assist the school in ways that we can support families and make changes to our family engagement events to benefit all families. 


    Thank you WWF PTA! The information shared about the awesome things PTA is doing for students, staff, and families is amazing! 



    Wildwood Forest Magnet wants to recognize parents. This year, we will give a monthly Leader of the Pack award to a family. The trophy will be passed from home to home, but a certificate will be provided to the individual or family to keep. 

    Our first Leader of the Pack Family Award goes to the — Smith Family! Countess and Kenneth are members of our PTA. They have worked tirelessly to get our PTA up and running. Additionally, they have given their time and talents to ensure the school was ready to receive students and staff. Thank you Smith Family!



    If you would like to volunteer for events, field trips, or in the classroom, please complete the volunteer registration. It can be found on our school website https://www.wcpss.net/wildwoodforestes under the families tab. 


    Field Day is next month!


    PTA News


    Please follow the PTA Instagram page and bookmark the website. Great things are happening at Wildwood! Look for winner announcements on Instagram for the prize and Golden Cone winner.


    Golden Cone Information:


    Dates for “Golden Cone” Raffle Entry: (CASH ONLY)

    • Monday, September 23rd   :  12:00 PM to 1:00 PM  at Wildwood!

    • Wednesday, September 25th  :  12:00 PM to 1:00 PM  at Wildwood!

    • Friday, September 27th  :  12:00 PM to 1:00 PM  at Wildwood!


    Additional Information:

    • The Raffle will end on 9/27/2024 at 3:00 PM

    • The Prize is not only VIP Car pool access, but also, VIP Parking for all school events for the year!

    • Winner will be announced on September 30th!


    Ticket Prices

    • 1 Ticket: $2.00

    • 3 Tickets: $5.00

    • 5 Tickets: $7.00

    • 7 Tickets: $10.00

    • 15 Tickets: $20.00


    Attendance is extremely important. Students should be present daily (on time) and should attend for the full day. 

    Please follow all traffic patterns for carpool in the morning and afternoon. At 9:10, the carpool and the walker door closes. All students must enter through the front door. Parents should park and walk their child(ren) across the street. 

    Please put your child's name on their coat, lunchbox, water bottle, etc. to ensure it gets returned if lost.