• Healthful Living and PE

    We want our students to be healthy for their own sake. But the fact remains: Healthy children also learn better. Healthful Living Education promotes behaviors that lead to more meaningful education and a higher quality of life.

    The Healthful Living Education curriculum, when fully integrated, supports and reinforces the goals and objectives of its two major components -- health and physical education. When the two are integrated, lives are improved.

    Reproductive health and safety

    North Carolina General Statute 115C-81.30 defines the parameters of Reproductive Health and Safety Education in North Carolina Public Schools.  The full text of General Statute 115C-81.30 can be found on the North Carolina General Assembly's website.

    Leesville Road Middle School Reproductive Health & Safety, 7th & 8th Grades - Letter to Parents, English, August 2023

    Leesville Road Middle School Salud y Seguridad Reproductiva, 7th & 8th - Carta para Padres, Espanol, Agosto 2023


    Wellness policy and resources

    The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act mandates that all local school districts participating in the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program create a local wellness policy.

    Much of our Wellness Policy focuses around Child Nutrition Services. Per the federal mandate, there are areas in the policy that directly pertain to our school practices. Our wellness policy also addresses fundraising, rewards and on-campus events:

    • Fundraisers involving food may not operate during the school day.
    • Edible rewards offered to students must be of high nutritional value. Examples of foods lacking nutritional value include: soft drinks, water ices unless they have fruit or fruit juices, chewing gum, hard candies, gummies or jellies, marshmallow candies, cotton candy, candy coated popcorn and licorice.
    • Student award or reward events (e.g., Honor Roll Breakfast) must provide food and beverages high in nutritional value.
    • On-campus events (e.g., concession stands) must offer two or more healthy choices for those individuals who would like an item of high nutritional value.

    This policy does not dictate the food selections you make when sending a lunch with your child. The policy is in place to promote the selection of healthy choices offered in our schools for students and staff. Please join us in encouraging your child to make healthy choices.

    For more information, review Board Policy 6120.