Walker/Biker Procedures
Permission Forms:
All students who leave the school to travel within the Walker Zone must have a completed Permission Form yearly. Students will be assigned an Orange or Blue Walker / Biker Tag once a Permission Form has been received.Orange Tag Walkers:
All students in Kindergarten and Grade 1 must be accompanied home by an adult. (Parents with students in grades 2-5 may choose to have their student receive an Orange Tag and therefore, require an adult to accompany the student home.)
Blue Tag Walkers:
Students in Grades 2-5 are permitted to walk home without an adult present.
Dismissal Line-up:
Parents of Orange Tag Walkers should meet MES staff on the corner of Morrisville Parkway and Golden Horseshoe Circle for families who live across the street.
For families who live in Preston, parents will meet MES staff on the corner of Morrisville Parkway and main entrance of MES.Afternoon Dismissal:
All walkers are dismissed at 3:40 PM. If Orange Tag Walkers are not picked up by an approved adult by 3:50 PM, they will be brought back to the school, and you will have to pick them up in the front office.
Morning Arrival:
NO walkers should arrive outside the front of the school before 8:45 AM.Other Transportation:
Any student in the Walker Zone may also use carpool or bus transportation per WCPSS Transportation Policy.
NO ADULTS are permitted to park and pick up their children unless you are within the Walker Zone and have an approved permission form.