• Breakfast $1.50
        • served from 8:00am-8:30am
        • optional
      • Lunch $3.25

      Click  here for the free and reduced meals application.

      Add to your child's account using MySchoolBucks.com

      You can prepare at home by allowing your child to open containers, encouraging independence while cleaning up, and establishing regular meal times with your family.

      Parents Eating Lunch at School:

      • Should notify their child’s teacher at least 24 hours in advance.
      • Should be on the child’s locator card or parents must provide written approval, if not.
      • Must sign in, show ID , get a visitor sticker and then go straight to the cafeteria.
      • Eat at a designated table (either inside cafeteria or at picnic table outside of cafeteria). Visitors will not be sitting with classes and will not be taking friends to the designated table.
      • After lunch, visitors/parents will return to the office to sign out. They will not be able to go back to the classroom or visit other classes.


      We encourage sending healthy snacks including fruit, pretzels, graham crackers, yogurt, and granola bars.