• What Students & Parents Have to Say

    About Moore Square!

  • Student Testimonials 

     Something I really like about Moore Square is how easy it is to make friends. All different types of people come to Moore square to learn and find themselves with some really great friends along the way. One friend I've made since the beginning of sixth grade is really close and special to me. I think that the aspect of everybody being so different and open no matter race, gender, or sexuality in Moore Square makes it a really comfortable place to come and learn and make some great friendships along the way. --Eva, 7th grader

    Moore Square is an amazing school full of wonderful staff and students! One thing I love about Moore Square is all the electives offered. It really allows you to figure out what you want to do, and then go deeper into that field, as well as other things that interest you. --Stella, 7th grader

    What I like about Moore Square is that the electives are so diverse, and suited for so many different interests. They have everything from archery to yoga to even 3D printing, so no matter what type of things your interested in, Moore Square will have something for you. --Ethan, 7th grader

    I have only been here for 5 weeks but I love Moore Square so much!!! They have a wide variety of electives such as, oceanography, instruments, painting and arts, family consumer sciences, baking, and so much more. They have awesome and caring students and staff that enjoy being here. If you have a chance to be at Moore Square take it!! (I promise you will love it.) It has been a wonderful year so far and I’m looking forward to the rest of the year here! --Mary Claire, 6th Grader

    We have a very wide variety of electives that cater to many students needs and also allows safe space for students to express themselves. --Sallamata, 7th grader

    Moore Square is a very accepting school. Everyone has people that like them here. The teachers are also very nice and caring. --Jonah, 8th grader

    Electives! They are great because they add fun to the day. --Zoe, 6th grader

    The downtown location of our school widely broadens the capabilities of the activities we can do. Field trips, special events, and activities are all that much more convenient and possible, both during and after school! --Alex, 7th grader

    I think that Moore square is so great because of the electives and that we get to choose them. Most schools have heath and gym but Moore square has more that that we have tones of gym electives and tons of science electives and tons of English electives and tons of math electives and so many more electives. --Vivi, 7th grader

    Moore Square is an amazing school! It has great electives and teachers. Every class is fun and the assemblies are super fun as well. You should come to Moore Square, you won't regret it! --7th grader

    I think is a great place to make friends and have fun while learning. Some kids don't enjoy school but at Moore Square the teachers try their best to make learning as fun as possible. There is no such thing as negativity at M2! --Nathan, 7th grader

    I really enjoy Odyssey of the Mind and Student Council! In Odyssey of the Mind, I get to work on a team and solve problems! On Student Council, I get to work with a group of individuals and better the school! --Emani, 7th grader

    I love the Fine Art Electives such as band, chorus, orchestra, and more because they give kids great opportunities in life. --Rachael, 7th grader

    Something I like about Moore Square is the teachers. They are nice. Another thing I like is the work. It is fun, like making a marshmallow/pasta tower, or making presentations. The last thing is field trips. In 6th grade, you will go on a field trip to Wonderworks (a really fun Marbles-like place), Ripley's Aquarium, which is cool, and Medieval Times (my favorite). They have jousting, really good food, and medieval armor. --Dylan, 7th grader

    I enjoy being able to do interactive activities and the special things we can do with them. There's always so much fun stuff to do at Moore Square! --Kaydence, 7th grader

    I really love the small classes because that way you get all the help you need. --7th grader

     It's small but huge! --7th grader

    I think the fact that we have so many electives, it really helps me grow and have more fun while learning. --Adalina, 8th grader

    At Moore Square we have lots of electives! Each student can find things that they enjoy, and find other people with the same interests. --8th grader

    I think that the sports program at Moore Square is cool because it gives you a chance to play competitively at a sport of your choice, and even if you don’t make the Ligon/Moore Square team there are still intramurals for you to participate in. --8th grader

    The staff at Moore Square is absolutely perfect, they explain everything clearly and are very kind. This is one of the many things I love here at Moore Square. --Ella, 7th grader

    I love the teachers, all of them are accepting and super friendly. --7th grader

    This is my second year here at Moore Square and I love it. I have met many great people, students and staff both. I love the variety of electives they offer at Moore Square. All of the staff is welcoming and friendly. I also love how small the school is, it feels as if you know everyone. I would definitely recommend this school to anyone. --Katelyn, 7th grader

  • Parent Testimonials 

    We are so grateful for ALL the amazing work you all at Moore Square have put in to make this transition to middle school so seamless. Thank you! It makes such a big difference. Beginning with the virtual orientation via to the Mountain Lion Climb, the Remind messages, Facebook lives, and today's virtual 6th grade orientation on Facebook live. Thank you! We really appreciate it. The kids were able to login and transition from class to class easily and are getting the hang of virtual school. It was really good to see many members of the 6th grade team on the Facebook live explaining a lot of things. This was very helpful. It makes us more comfortable with how to access things, what to expect, grading, and supplies. Amazing job by the whole team at Moore Square! So glad we are a part of the Moore Square Family! 
    --6th Grade Parent
    With the wide variety of elective choices and small classroom sizes, I always feel like my kids are getting a private school education that is FREE! The elective choices offer exposure to a little of everything and not just one specific focus. It is similar to a Liberal Arts degree but for a middle school. The location of the school provides incredible opportunities for the kids to learn about local businesses, large corporations and the rich history of downtown Raleigh. I love the diversity that my children are surrounded with. There truly is a place for everyone at Moore Square Middle School. The administration, staff and faculty really create and environment of diversity, equality, inclusivity and acceptance. My children will be prepared for the real world. --S. Yinger

    Our son was at Moore Square for the past 3 years, and now we are excited to have our daughter there as a 6th grader. We have been so impressed by the way Moore Square teachers and staff take a personal interest in each student. On multiple occasions we received phone calls from teachers for no other reason than to tell us what a great job our son was doing. They took time out of their busy schedules just to affirm our child. --Jennifer H, 6th grade parent

    As anyone can imagine, adjusting to a new school as a 6th grader can be pretty awkward and even intimidating, but my son was thoroughly excited about the teachers/classes which was definitely not the usual. From Chess to Chinese, he loved them all. To place the icing on the cake, he joined Be The Man, an after school club that inspired young boys to be respectful, interactive and best of all-themselves. I couldn't believe the way he talked about the club and the leaders. I'm so glad we chose Moore Magnet! --Shenette Swann

    Hard to believe that originally Moore Square was our second choice! My daughter loves having so many choices of electives. She has tried many Arts electives such as costume design, theatrical makeup, chorus and band. We can’t wait to see what choices she has for 8th grade and as a parent I would not want to go anywhere else! --Kate McRae

    We have only been at M2 a short time but feel fortunate to be a part of this special school. In just a few short weeks, our child is already experiencing many of the unique things we were impressed by on our tours of the school -- from interesting electives to virtual reality visits to places studied to fun science labs and field trips. They really DO all of the cool things you see on the tour and even have within the first month of school! --J. Jones, 6th grade parent

    Science Olympiad has been an amazing learning experience for my son. We are so fortunate to have teachers that put in 110% for each of their students. We are equally lucky that our amazing band leader is able to encourage and challenge our students while growing their love for music. I have seen first hand how arts programs have strengthened knowledge, organization, creativity and perseverance across all subjects. Thank you all! --Joan Carrozza

    If I just had two words to describe Moore Square, I would say outstanding opportunities. Passionate teachers use creative learning techniques to drive academic excellence, and broad and diverse arts and extracurricular activities allow all kids to discover who they are and what they love to do. Where else can you take archery and astronomy as classes, Dungeons and dragons and Mythology as after school clubs and find your artistic side in the fantastic music and theater programs? At M2, every child has a chance learn and grow into the best versions of themselves. --Craig White, parent of 3rd child to attend M2

     Andrew has really grown as a student, largely due to the programs, faculty, and extra-curricular events at Moore Square. Mr Hunter, and the Science Olympiad has been something that Andrew has taken real pride in. His involvement with Mr. Anderson and Realms of Myth has also given him a creative outlet he could not get anywhere else. He has really been pushed to be an independent student, and I thank Moore Square for the opportunities you have given him to grow! --Jason Remy 

     We have absolutely loved Moore Square so far! We are so happy we chose it for our oldest and look forward to our younger two children going there as well. The teachers are amazing and really make an effort to get to know the students and encourage them to do their best. Since the class sizes are so small, they are able to do just that. Several teachers encouraged my daughter last year to apply to a special summer program for students interested in STEM and she was chosen and learned so much. The teachers truly celebrate each student's successes and help them learn from their mistakes and do better next time. --Lyla Woodward 

    We love Moore Square for the diversity and inclusiveness of the student population. We were looking for a student population where my child could be herself without being picked on and found that at Moore Square. She has been able to make friends and loves school again. --8th grade parent 

    Moore Square Magnet Middle School is the perfect place for our two daughters with varied interests. They are thriving in the unique after school opportunities. From Science Club to the school musical, our girls are learning what feeds their interests and excelling along the way. --L. Park