Richland Creek Elementary is excited about a new way to have morning announcements. The BNN or Bulldog News Network will record the daily announcements for classes to view. Fifth graders are invited to serve on BNN and are selected through an application process. If selected, they will record the morning news show from 8:45-9:15 A.M. in the media center for about three weeks.
BNN Jobs:
Use iPad, green screen, and iMovie to record the morning news show.
Read the birthdays, lunch menu, weather, joke, lost and found, and school announcements.
Lead the school community in the Pledge of Allegiance and Code of Cooperation.
BNN Expectations:
Arrive at the media center at 8:45 A.M. to get ready for the morning news show.
Eat breakfast before you come to school or pick up your breakfast in the cafeteria and eat it in the media center.
Practice excellent reading and speaking skills.
Get along well with the BNN crew.
Set a positive example for others to follow. Show good participation/behavior in specials classes.
No write ups.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Gray rgray2@wcpss.net or Mrs. Johnson jjohnson24@wcpss.net.