The Career SPOT
MPMS Career Development
Our Career and Technical Education (CTE) program aims to prepare students for employment opportunities, advanced education and productive lives. CTE promotes best practices that enhance teachers' efforts to improve student achievement and encourage responsible career choices. We want to meet students' needs, cultivate their abilities and help them realize their aspirations.
Middle school students are offered exploratory courses in business and information technologies, life skills, technology systems and career decisions. Each middle school has a Career Development Coordinator to support the school-to-career connection and facilitate business alliance activities.
Career Development Coordinator
Mrs. Mary Dyer
Career Development is a journey of self-exploration and learning. As the Career Development Coordinator, I am here to help our students explore careers and secondary-schooling options and set their sights on being Career and College Ready. Middle School is the time for students to visualize themselves going on to postsecondary education and/or entering the work force. Students should explore their interests, attributes, and skills as it applies to the world of work.
You are never too young or too old to think about what you are going to do next!