• EOG/EOC Information 2023-24

    Please try to schedule vacations and appointments around the June EOG Testing Schedule if possible.
    End-of-Grade (EOG) Remediation & Retest Information: Students in grades 6-8 will take the EOG/ EOC state test between June 12th-26th. Should your child meet the criteria for our EOG/EOC Remediation and Re-administration program you will receive an invitation for your child to attend the program after the EOG/EOC testing window closes for our school by June 26th. To be eligible, students must have been non-proficient on the EOG/EOC and have a passing grade in the class. For your planning purposes, the program dates for the end of the school year are June 27th for Reading re-administration and June 28th for Math re-administration. Transportation will be provided and breakfast as well as lunch will be available.


    If you were unable to join us for our Family Engagement Night on Tuesday, May 28th, please take a moment to look through the presentations below. Teachers have provided testing specifications, test prep strategies as well as other resources to help support your student for the upcoming EOG tests. 


    Family EOG Presentations:

    6th Grade

    7th Grade

    8th Grade