
  • It is important to remember that when driving on West Cary's campus to assist us with ensuring student safety, please adhere to the following expectations:

    • Driving 10 mph
    • Yielding to pedestrians
    • Utilizing appropriate parking spaces 
    • Parents should not park on Evans Road and allow students to disembark.

    Drop off time for all students begins at 7:00 am. Students will report to their first-period class when they arrive on campus daily. There will be teachers and other school staff members directing traffic and managing safety. Please respect their requests and please be patient.

    2 Carpool Lanes:

    • 6th-grade families should utilize the carpool lane by the main entrance of the school
    • 7th & 8th-grade families should utilize the carpool lane located by the gym - Evans Rd

    Carpool Expectations

    • Have students prepared to exit the vehicle prior to stopping
    • Pull all the way through the carpool lane before letting the student out of the car - this prevents other cars from remaining in traffic
    • Pull all the way up to the next vehicle
    • When exiting the carpool lanes and school premises, please exit to the right in order to allow for consistant flow of traffic and to avoid congestion of the carpool lane
    • Avoid (as much as possible or directed otherwise) passing stopped vehicles in the carpool lane


    West Cary has several students that walk or ride bikes to school and need to cross either Maynard or Evans Rd. - Cars MUST yield to ALL pedestrians.

    We appreciate you partnering with us to ensure student safety as we partner with our School Resource Officer and Cary Police.