Attendance Policy
Attendance is central to educational achievement and school success. State law requires school attendance for all enrolled children. Parents must ensure that all children attend school daily.
Daily Attendance Procedures - A written excuse for each absence is required from the parent/guardian and will be kept on file by the teacher until the end of the school year. Tardy slips should also be kept on file. Attendance will be recorded by 10:00am. If a student comes in late, he/she must be signed in by a parent or guardian and receive an admission slip. If a student checks out early, he/she must be signed out in the office by a parent or guardian.
Excused absences include:
-illness or injury
-a death in the family
-health care appointments
-court appearances
-religious observance
-natural disasters
-outside educational opportunities (you'll need to complete this form in advance)
You'll need to provide a note within two days of your child's return to school or the absences will be recorded as unexcused. Your principal or teachers will notify you if there are three or more unexcused absences, and will work with you and your child if there is a concern that absences are becoming excessive.
Your child will need to make up all work he or she missed, as scheduled by the teacher.
For more information, review Board Policy 6000: Attendance.
Accumulated Absences and Tardies - Students with a documented chronic health problem will not be subject to the attendance policy if all the absences are excused. Documentation should be from a physician or other appropriate health care professionals.