Title I Annual Notice
Brentwood Magnet Elementary School receives federal funds for Title I programs.
Parents have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher(s). If you would like to to request this information, please email Melissa McKinley (Principal) at mmckinley@wcpss.net.
Below is the Right to Request Teacher Qualifications Form:
Right to Request Teacher Qualifications (English)
Right to Request Teacher Qualifications (Spanish)
Please review the information below and provide feedback on the form linked at the bottom of the page.
Title I Documentation (English)
Brentwood Magnet Elementary Home-School Compact
BMES Home-School Compact (English)
BMES Home-School Compact (Spanish)
BMES Family Engagement Policy
Family Engagement Policy (English/Spanish)
Families can provide feedback on our Home-School Compact and Family Engagement Policy at the following link: Family Feedback form