We have certain forms that need to be completed for 2024-2025 school year prior to the beginning of school. Please review the Forms Checklist (Spanish version) to be sure you have all forms completed and turned in to your child's homeroom teacher. Please review the list of school supplies needed as well! Kindergarten and 1st grade students will need to submit $5 to cover the cost of Friday Folders. 2nd-5th grade will need to submit $15 to cover the cost of Friday Folders and Student Agendas. Online payments can be accepted through PTA.It is important that families refer to our 2024-25 Combs Family Handbook for important information.
Required Forms to be completed Forms Checklist (Spanish version). These forms will need to be printed. Hard copies will also be available at school.
- Transportation Verification (please submit to your child's teacher)
- Student Representation Form (in English and Spanish)
**Locator card is also required and will be provided by your child's teacher.
Online Forms to be completed as needed
- Carpool Application
- Walker Application (only if your child lives in a one mile radius of school)