Underwood GT Magnet Elementary School
School Grading Plan
In the Wake County Public School System, we are committed to maintaining rigorous performance and achievement standards for all students and to providing a fair and consistent process for evaluating and reporting student progress that is understandable to students and their parents and relevant for instructional purposes.
The information below shares specific information about grading at our school
The following are school-wide expectations for homework:
· Read 20 minutes per night.
· Practice targeted skill in reading, math, writing and/or word work.
· If a child has 3 consecutive missing homework assignments, parents are notified.
The following are grade/subject specific expectations for the completion and grading of homework:
· The approximate time to complete homework assignments is as follows:
o K 10-20 minutes Basic Reinforcement/Assigned Reading
o 1 10-20 minutes Basic Reinforcement/Assigned Reading
o 2 20-30 minutes Basic Reinforcement
o 3 30-40 minutes Basic Reinforcement
o 4 40-50 minutes Basic Reinforcement
o 5 50-60 minutes Basic Reinforcement
· Homework is considered practice and will be marked “complete/incomplete.”
· Homework is monitored and is included in the work habits section of the report card.
The school’s Homework Plan can be found on the shared folder under “Grading Policies.”
Classwork & Assessments
The following are school-wide expectations for classwork and assessments:
· Classwork is graded as a Practice “P” (work that is done with teacher assistance) or 1,2,3, or 4 (work that is done independently.
· Use resources provided- mClass, CMAPP, rubrics, ect.
· Provide open-ended opportunities for level 4
· Demonstrate mastery of objectives using levels 1,2,3, 4
· In addition to common, grade-level formative assessments, other assessments given to students are as follows:
o Math mid-year and end-year summative assessments for kindergarten and 1st grade
o mClass literacy assessments are given three times a year for all students
o Benchmark assessments in math and literacy are given to 2nd grade mid-year and end-year and to 3rd-5th grade students three times a year. 5th grade students also complete science benchmark assessments three times a year.
o Math and reading end-of-grade tests for 3rd-5th grade students. 5th grade students also take the science end-of-grade test.
The following are grade/subject specific expectations for the completion and grading of classwork and assessments:
· Classwork is graded as a Practice “P” (work that is done with teacher assistance) or 1,2,3, or 4 (work that is done independently.
· Use resources provided- mClass, CMAPP, rubrics, ect.
· Provide open-ended opportunities for level 4
· Demonstrate mastery of objectives using levels 1,2,3, 4
· In addition to common, grade-level formative assessments, other assessments given to students are as follows:
o Math mid-year and end-year summative assessments for kindergarten and 1st grade
o mClass literacy assessments are given three times a year for all students
o Benchmark assessments in math and literacy are given to 2nd grade mid-year and end-year and to 3rd-5th grade students three times a year. 5th grade students also complete science benchmark assessments three times a year.
o Math and reading end-of-grade tests for 3rd-5th grade students. 5th grade students also take the science end-of-grade test.
Missed Work
The following are school-wide expectations for missed work:
· Re-teach content
· Graded work needs to be completed at school
· Ungraded work needs to be completed at home/school depending on time.
The following are grade/subject specific expectations for the completion and grading of missed work:
· Graded work needs to be completed at school
Prevention-Intervention Plan
For students at risk of academic failure, our school seeks to provide a prevention/intervention system that promotes successful completion and mastery of work. Details of our plan are below.
The following are school-wide expectations for how we support prevention-intervention efforts:
· After mClass BOY and Aimsweb Math assessments are completed, Underwood Staff identify students who are below benchmark.
· The team administers digging deeper assessments for these particular students.
· During “Kid Talk” during one of the first PLT team meetings, the team determines the intervention and when it will and how it will be delivered.
· Students identified as needing interventions will be discussed and documented during PLTs to ensure all students not achieving benchmark standards are reviewed and targeted for intervention support.
· This process is repeated after MOY assessments are completed as well.
· New students arriving throughout the school year will be assessed by the classroom teacher. If concerns arise, the classroom teacher will contact the team and the above steps will be followed.
· Students will exit intervention when the benchmark standard is achieved and maintained as evidenced by progress monitoring data points, digging deeper assessments, formative assessment data, and agreement by all stakeholders.
The following are grade/subject specific expectations for prevention and intervention:
· Not sure we have grade level expectations that are different from what’s above.
Extra Credit
Extra credit is offered at the professional learning team’s discretion. Where it is offered, extra credit opportunities to enhance grades must be connected to learning outcomes and consistent within PLTs.
· Extra credit is not offered at Underwood.