About Our School
Brier Creek Elementary School serves approximately 685 Wake County Public School System students in Kindergarten through 5th grade. We also have a Blended Pre-K classroom that serves both typical developing students and students with special needs, and a Special Education Structured Day Pre-K classroom. Brier Creek hosts two regional programs for WCPSS: Elementary Behavior Support I and Elementary Behavior Support II.
We operate on a multi-track year-round calendar. Students are assigned to one of three tracks, or calendars. At any given point in time, three tracks will be in school and one track will be on break (tracked out).
Our curriculum is the NC Standard Course of Study. Daily, students will spend time learning literacy, math, science, and social studies. Students will also attend a daily special for 40 minutes, which include Media, Art, Music, PE, or CARE(Counseling Program). In addition to learning time, students have 30 minutes for lunch and 30 minutes for recess each day. We love that each child can find their safe-space in our school.
At Brier Creek, children's social-emotional development is just as important as their academic development. Because of that value, we start each day with a Morning Meeting in the classroom so that students begin their day by connecting with each other and their teacher. We are using Restorative Circles in our morning meetings to teach students about listening, empathy, and friendship.
Another core value is equity. We are a diverse school: ethnically, culturally, and more. Our students come from homes speaking over 30 different languages! Many of our teachers have attended racial equity training and everyone on staff recognizes that equity and equality are not one and the same.
Brier Creek is a digital learning school and teachers integrate digital technology throughout the curriculum. We are a 1:1 School, which means every student will be given a computer to use for at-school and at-home use. Students are encouraged to use safe digital citizenship at all times.
We are proud of our school and think it is a wonderful place to teach and learn! We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our school!