Office Staff

  • Kathryn Vlanich, Lead Secretary

    Mark Flynn, Student Information Data Manager

    Leslie Rangel, Receptionist


    Areas of Responsibility


    Mrs. Vlanich, Lead Secretary

    • Accounting (including receipting of funds, ordering of supplies and materials, and managing the budget)
    • Compensation and Benefits for Employees and Substitutes
    • Facility Management for Community Use Events
    • Field Trip Coordination
    • Substitute Teacher Management
    • Payroll and Leave
    • Extra Duty Pay
    • Key Control
    • Supply and Equipment Inventory
    • Worker's Compensation Claims
    • Office Management

    Mr. Flynn, Student Information Data Manager

    • Student Enrollment and Registration
    • Student Information Management (address, contact information, teacher assignment, etc.)
    • Student Attendance
    • Management of Student Records and Files
    • Bus Rider Registration


    Ms. Rangel, Receptionist

    • Student Accidents and Injuries
    • Medication Management and Administration
    • Volunteer Clearance
    • Dismissal Tags for Students
    • Health Room and First Aid Management