MECME Grading Guide
We believe that grades must accurately describe a student’s progress and current level of achievement. Reporting on conduct and work habits such things as character, effort, timeliness, and participation is just as important as reporting on academic achievement. Grades are for communication, not punishment. Students’ engagement and motivation are the keys to the grading process.
Why standards based grading?
- Final grade describes student’s progress towards standards.
- Must meet criteria for each and every standard.
- Grades are viewed as a tool for communicating progress.
- Work habits and conduct are reported and graded separately.
- Students play active role in understanding learning targets, tracking their progress, identifying next steps and communicating their progress.
What are the school-wide expectations for assessments?
- Assessments should be precise and purposeful, aligned with the learning targets derived from the standards taught.
- Students should be given multiple opportunities to show proficiency on the same standard.
- Assessments should be varied in format and type, appeal to the learning styles
- Clarity around the assessment tools (e.g., rubric, success criteria, checklist, test) should be communicated with the team of teachers, groups of students, and shared with families.
- Grade level common assessments should be agreed upon and administration date entered google calendar as well as regularly discussed.
- Formative assessments for learning should guide teaching and drive instruction with feedback.
- Summative assessments of learning should be graded and returned in a timely manner.
- All formal assessments should be entered in PTP Gradebook and marked “published on due date” so parents have immediate access to student scores.
- Multiple standards on an assessment should be assigned individual grades, not an overall score.
- Assessment strategies should involve students through self-assessment, peer revision, and reflection at regular intervals throughout the process.
For students at risk of academic failure, our school seeks to provide a prevention/intervention system that promotes successful completion and mastery of work. For more information on our prevention/intervention system, please refer to the Intervention Planning Matrix located in the School Improvement Plan.
For the complete MECME Grading Guide, click here.