• Drop-off Instructions

    Thank you in advance for adhering to our carpool procedures in order to ensure a safe and orderly arrival and dismissal each day. 


    Morning Carpool

    The carpool lane begins on Bloodworth Street and continues to the drop-off point located on Davie Street. Students should quickly exit their cars between the fire hydrant and the breezeway entrance on Davie Street between 7:05am and 7:25am. Cars should not stop on Person Street to drop off students on the Person Street sidewalk - doing so compromises the safety of students using crosswalks and impedes the flow of carpool traffic at the Person Street/Davie Street stoplight. 
    The Martin St. entrance is used for employee parking, Wake County approved Special Transportation, or parents providing transportation for special needs students. Parents with official school business may access the visitor parking lot by communicating with our Allied Barton Security Officer. Please do not use this entrance for student drop-off before 7:30 am. Parents attempting to use the Martin St. entrance for student drop-off before 7:30 am will be asked to use the designated Davie St. carpool lane.  

    Afternoon Carpool 

    Carpool begins on Bloodworth St. and moves onto Davie St. Cars unable to line up along Bloodworth St. should move around the city block to Person St. Parents may NOT park on Person St. to wait for students. Once the buses depart, cars should proceed to Martin St. to continue carpool on Bloodworth St. Remind your student to actively look for their ride on the spreadsheet in their 7th-period class, while waiting for their ride in the afternoon. This will decrease the carpool wait time for all parents.

    Vehicles are not permitted to enter the parking lot after 2:00pm in order to allow room for Wake County approved Special Transportation. These approved vehicles park in this area to receive students. Parents parked in visitor spaces after 1:45pm may be unable to access their vehicles until after 2:30pm. 

    Our PTSA has created a carpool page- if you are interested in sharing a carpool with another Moore Square Parent, please send an email to msmmsptsa@gmail.com. The carpool group details will be sent to you directly.