Before and After School Care
Before and After School Care is run by the YMCA of the triangle each week, Monday through Friday. Bugg Magnet Before School program is held at Bugg Magnet Elementary. Bugg Magnet After School program is held at Hunter Elementary. Pick-up will be at Hunter.
Before School Care: 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
After School Care: 3:40 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Before School Care
5-day week: $35.28 per week
- Payment is made through a bank draft.
- Applications for financial assistance are also available online.
- This price is only for students who attend Bugg Magnet Elementary
After School Care
5-day week: $56.91 per week
- Payment is made through a bank draft.
- Applications for financial assistance are also available online.
- This price is only for students who attend Bugg Magnet Elementary
Before/After School Care FAQ
Inclement Weather Information for YMCA Before and After School Care
On days when snow is anticipated, the YMCA follows decisions made by WCPSS. If school is cancelled, our before school program will also be closed. On days where school is delayed, before school care’s start time will be delayed the same increment of time. If school is cancelled or dismissed early, our after school program will also be closed. For the safety of our staff and children during thunderstorms, all participants will remain inside. We ask that when coming to pick your child up during these times, you walk inside to get them and safely escort them to your car.
Please see our website for a more detailed Inclement Weather Policy.
Contact Information
Amariea Jones, Youth Director,
(919) 582-2481
Before School Office (919) 815-6545