• Carpool…
    Our carpool lane is located at the front of the school. Families who plan to carpool at anytime during the school year need to register in the office for a carpool tag during the first week of school. This tag must be displayed as they come through the line. It will be used to help staff efficiently coordinate daily dismissal and to make sure children are only getting into the car with a family member or someone authorized by a family member. To further insure your children’s safety, we ask that you always drop them off and pick them up in the carpool lane.
    Do not park your car and walk your children in. If you need to come inside, drop your children off in the carpool lane, park and then come in. We appreciate your cooperation with this system that is designed to keep your children safe.
    Carpool parents please be aware that we do not sign students out after 2:30 p.m.  At that point everyone must get in the carpool lane.  We use every minute for instructional time, teaching until 3:00 p.m., and do not want to disrupt the learning environment at the end of the day. 
    All transportation changes should be done in writing.  This can be done through a hand-written note that is signed by a parent or guardian and submitted to the child's teacher or the front office.  Transportation changes will not be honored unless a note is submitted for approval prior to 2:30 p.m.  
    Thank you for supporting our safety procedures.  We appreciate your cooperation with our carpool routine.