OVES carpool procedures have been developed in order to maximize instructional time and keep students safe when arriving and leaving school. Students should arrive between 8:45 a.m. - 9:10 a.m. to ensure that they are in their classroom by 9:15 a.m. At 9:10a.m., a bell will ring letting staff members know that students have 5 minutes to get to class. The doors will close at this time and you will need to park your car and walk your child into the school.
Below are some procedures and helpful tips to remember when dropping off and picking up students:-
We start unloading carpool in the morning at 8:45am.
Have your child seated so that they can enter & exit via the passenger side door. We don’t want students having to walk in front of cars.
Work with your child on getting buckled and unbuckled.
Carpool is a single lane. Please do not pass on the left.
We begin dismissing afternoon carpool at 3:45.
Please do not start to line up for afternoon carpool until 3:30 at the earliest. Lining up earlier blocks traffic and prevents emergency vehicles from accessing the Oakview campus.
All carpool, morning and afternoon, exits campus from the bus entrance and turns right. There are no left turns.
In afternoon carpool, if your child enters your car, you must wait to exit until the cars in front of you exit. There is no passing on the left.
Parents must display their carpool tag in their windshield for the entire time they are on-campus. This will help students with memorizing their carpool number.
If the parent/guardian/pick-up person DOES NOT have the carpool tag, they must be prepared to show identification and be listed on the Student Locator Card held in the Office. . Student safety is paramount!
- Carpool ends at 4:10. At that point, students will be taken to the office, and parents will be called.
If you need additional carpool tags, please reach out to the main office.
Please be sure to call the Hoot Hut at 919.694.8885 with any changes, prior to 3pm.
We appreciate your patience as we continue to provide a safe and orderly carpool process.
Sincerely,Mr. Gaudet, Ms. Warkonyi, Mr. Sutton, and the Hoot Hut!