Identification Process

  • Gifted education is provided for students who consistently perform above grade level and demonstrate need for additional rigorous academic differentiation in kindergarten through grade twelve.

    Multiple criteria are used for identification and include both formal and informal indicators.

    The School Based Committee for Gifted Education (SBCGE) reviews formal and informal indicators for all nominations to determine which students should be referred for additional assessments:

    • Students referred for additional assessments prior to their taking the CogAT in third grade will be evaluated by the AIG psychologist.
    • Nominations for 3rd grade are reviewed once CogAT and Iowa scores are available. Students are referred on the basis of these scores.
    • Students who are referred by the SBCGE in grades 4– 12 are administered the CogAT and Iowa during established testing windows. Contact the AIG teacher and/or administration for testing window dates.

Formal Indicators

  • Grades K-2 individual assessments
  • Grades 3-12 norm-referenced assessments in aptitude, i.e. Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and achievement, i.e. Iowa Assessments (Iowa).

Informal Indicators

  • Teacher and parent checklists
  • Performance indicators (i.e. academic grades in reading/language arts and mathematics, writing samples, North Carolina End-of-Grade and North Carolina End-of-Course tests, student progress on grade level standards in literacy and math)
  • Student work portfolios
  • Any other available student data.
  • Prior to the 3rd Grade, students may be AIG identified if the following criteria are met:

    • Clear demonstration of need for differentiated service from the AIG Program that is two or more grade levels above the current grade level
    • Cognitive/Aptitude: total score at the 98th percentile or higher
    • Achievement: total reading and/or mathematics score on WCPSS required AIG tests at the 98th percentile or higher.

    K-2 services begin immediately following SBCGE recommendations and administrative approval.


    Following the 3rd Grade CogAT and Iowa, students may be AIG identified if the criteria for one of five gateways are met.

    Students identified for AIG services in grades 3-12 will begin receiving service at the beginning of the semester following their identification.