• Walkers

    Walkers are designated by Wake County as those students who live within a 1.5 mile radius of the school and bus transportation is not available.

    Morning Procedures:

    Walkers must wait outside the front doors of the school until the first bell rings at 8:50 a.m.  Please be aware that no staff members are on duty outside the front doors until the bell rings at 8:50am.

    Afternoon Procedures:

    Walkers will be dismissed when the bell rings at 3:50 pm through the Media Center door which is located at the left corner of the building next to the bike racks.  Kindergarteners must be met by an adult or family member.  All others must designate on the HSES Transportation form whether the student can walk on their own or not.  Please DO NOT park in the bus loop, on School Days Lane, at Jones Park, across Holly Springs Road on Johnson Street, or on Cayman Ave or at the Windward Point Pool unless you are a resident of the neighborhood.

    Thank you for your cooperation in keeping out students safe!