• Future Repertory Entertainers Seeking Honor, Creating Opportunity
    Drama I (Pre-requisite for Matinee Players and Troupe)
  • Freshco Logo
    This class focuses on beginning acting technique for the stage and offers an introduction to stagecraft and terminology, and a brief look at theatre history. Recommended for ninth graders.
    Freshco members show interest in theatre arts and willingness to learn new skills. Students will develop self-awareness on and off stage, and will learn self-control in using their talent while performing or working on crew. They will learn, define, and clarify a professional theatre work ethic.

    Freshco members develop theatrical experience by participating in a variety of activities including, but not limited to, enrollment in Theatre Arts I, Technical Theater I, active participation in extracurricular activities involving visual and performing arts, and production-related assignments.

    Freshco students work to gain awareness of theatre as craft, learning from their teachers, peers, and parent/community volunteers,  how to participate in various theatre arts tasks effectively and efficiently as a group member.  Freshcos demonstrate the ability to listen and follow directions and develop their ability to give directions and provide leadership, finding  their  place in the  leadership chain. They support class activities, meet the needs of the Freshco community, participate in group activities, perform on stage, and collaborate with crew members. This training will ultimately serve them well in life lessons they may encounter.

    Freshco members demonstrate reliability and dependability as they make and honor commitments. Freshcos value class time and learn to manage that time to develop performance skills & responsible behavior. They complete assignments on time, in a worthy manner, and follow through on their area of responsibility within a group. They can be relied on to deliver a quality performance while supporting fellow company members.

    Freshco students advance the theatre program at Wake Forest High School. They cultivate qualities of honesty, maturity, patience, respect, integrity, honor, fairness, courage, and wisdom in their dealings with the faculty, the school, and the class.

  • Symbol: Ivy (represents growth and commitment)

    Colors: Black and lime green

    Motto: Dare to begin; it is the path to success.

    Mission: To learn to use drama skills for self-improvement and enrichment

    Mascot: Kitsune (fox with nine tails)

    FRESHCO Links
    Membership Form (Coming Soon)

    Permission Form (Coming Soon)

    Link to Volunteer Page (Coming Soon)