Wake County Public School System will provide a relevant and engaging education and will graduate students who are collaborative, creative, effective communicators and critical thinkers.
We envision Timber Drive to be a Collaborative Community, that Nurtures Ethical Leaders, Critical Thinkers, and Prepares Students to Flourish in a Global Society.
- Use best practices to plan and implement rigorous instruction that is differentiated to meet the needs of diverse learners
- Hold high expectations for all student success and eliminate the ability to predict achievement based on socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity.
- Hold high expectations for administrators, teachers, and staff members to enable highly effective teaching and learning
- Provide students a safe, flexible, respectful, and supportive environment which enables students to meet their full potential
At Timber Drive Elementary School we will…
• Use best practices to plan and implement rigorous instruction that is differentiated to meet the needs of diverse learners
• Hold high expectations for all student success and eliminate the ability to predict achievement based on socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity.
• Hold high expectations for administrators, teachers, and staff members to enable highly effective teaching and learning
• Provide students a safe, flexible, respectful, and supportive environment which enables students to meet their full potential
• Partner with families to provide support and resources that lead to academic success
When a student is unable to attend school parents should call 773-9500 before 9:00 a.m. Please state the child’s name, teacher’s name, and reason for the absence. Lawful excused absence reasons are listed below. Please note section regarding educational trips.
Lawful Excused Absences:
Illness/injury – a doctor’s note is required after 10th absence
Death in the immediate family
Medical or dental appointments
Court or administrative proceedings
Religious observance
No notification or parent note results in unexcused absence
Educational Opportunity – for educational excused absence to be approved a letter and completed Wake County Request for Excused Absence for Educational Reason (Form 1710) must be submitted to the principal, 2 weeks prior to the absence.
Unexcused Absences:3 unexcused absences – parent(s) will receive notification from the teacher.
6 unexcused absences – parent(s) will receive a formal letter from school administration.
10 unexcused absences – parent(s) will receive a formal letter and social worker notified.
To ensure your child has adequate time to prepare for the day, students should arrive between 8:45 and 9:15. If a pattern of excessive tardies develops, an administrator will contact parents by letter, phone call or conference. To accommodate family schedules the YMCA has an early arrival and after school program at Timber Drive.
*Board Policy 6000.2 provides that to be counted present a student must be in attendance at least one-half of the student school day.
Students may enter the classrooms at 8:45 A.M. Instruction begins at 9:15 A.M. Students enrolled in the “YMCA Program” may arrive at 7:00 A.M. Students who are not enrolled in the YMCA Program are not to arrive earlier than 8:45 A.M. Teachers and staff members are not available for supervision before this time.
Download the "Here Comes the Bus" App from the WCPSS Transportation website to track your child's bus. You can find information about the app here: https://www.wcpss.net/Page/35380
Carpoolers will be dismissed to the carpool room to wait to be called for their ride. Please stay in the car traffic lane and exercise caution, safety, and courtesy during dismissal.
Walkers are students who walk home from school. For safety reasons, parents of walkers should not park in the school parking lot or across the street. Walkers dismiss from the exterior door closest to the bus loop. In order to keep our hallways clear, safe and accessible, parents of walkers should remain outside through the dismissal process.
A before/after school and track-out program is provided through the YMCA. If you need this service, call (919) 582-9622.
In case of snow or other dangerous weather or emergency situations, a decision may be made to close or delay school. These decisions are made after the National Weather Service and local weather bureaus have been consulted. As soon as a decision is made, local radio and television stations are notified and a notice is posted on the school system’s webpage at https://www.wcpss.net. We encourage you to listen carefully during threatening or severe weather for details.
Sign-InAll persons entering the building must ring the front bell and be prepared to state their name and the purpose for their visit. You may also be asked for ID if staff members do not recognize you. If your child is late reporting to school, parents must accompany the child to the front door to sign-in and get a late pass. The student must have the signed pink slip to enter class.
Dismissals MUST be handled through the office. Parents ring the front doorbell and state their name, their child's name, and child's teacher. Staff will ensure that all individuals are ID'd prior to checking out a child. Early checkouts should be for medical or emergency situations only and will be factored into the attendance profile of the students. All dismissals after 3:00 p.m. are through normal carpool procedures. Please refer to the “Carpool” section for details. *Please have photo ID available for identification purposes when checking your child out of school.
Students are expected to be at the bus stop on time and waiting in an orderly manner. While on the bus, riders are expected to sit quietly and show respect to the driver and other students as well as follow the bus safety rules. Changes in transportation must be in writing from the parent/guardian and given to the classroom teacher. When the office receives the note, the alternate mode of transportation will be added to our transportation changes list for the day. Students without a written note will not be allowed to change modes and will be instructed to follow normal transportation plans. Students are not permitted to ride a bus they are not assigned to on a daily basis.
Parents are not to use the bus circle to pick up children in the YMCA program until after 4:30 p.m. Prior to that time, please park in the parking lot and use the main entrance, sign in as a visitor and then you will check your child out with the YMCA personnel.
Afternoon car riders will report directly to the carpool room at dismissal and be called for pick-up upon your arrival. To expedite the carpool flow, have your carpool tag displayed on the rear view mirror of your vehicle. Please note the following important procedures:
Mornings: Students are to remain in vehicles until the 8:45 bell rings. At this time Safety Patrol members will assist in opening car doors. For safety reasons children should enter through the main entrance. Students should arrive on campus no later than 9:15 a.m.
Afternoons: Students should not be checked out after 3 pm. After 3:00 pm we ask that all dismissals be through normal carpool or bus procedures.
Changes: It is important for children to have regular, predictable transportation to and from school. A written note to the teacher is required in order for a student to change transportation modes. If it is an emergency situation, call the school prior to 2:30 PM (919-773-9500).
If medication is necessary during the school day, doses can be given in school under the following circumstances:
A Parent Request and Physician Order for Medication Form (#1702) must be signed by the parent and made available to the person administering the medication. All medication forms and student health plans must be updated at the beginning of each school year. It is the responsibility of the parent to obtain the physician's signature on Form #1702 for any medication to be given. No medication will be administered by the school unless it is in the original container dispensed by the pharmacy with the student’s name, name of medication, and directions for taking the medication clearly marked. This must match the Form #1702. No over-the-counter medication will be given at school unless ordered in writing from a physician on the Form #1702.
No medication of any kind will be stored or administered in the classroom.
TELEPHONEStudents are permitted to use the telephone to call home only with their teacher’s permission. Parents are asked not to request office personnel to relay personal messages or transportation arrangements to students except in cases of emergency.
Students should not bring extra money, personal valuables/electronics, or toys to school. The school is not responsible for damage or theft. Cell phones should be kept at home. If a cell phone is necessary, it must remain turned off and in the book bag. If a student is found using a cell phone at school, or if it rings, it will be turned in to the office for parent pick up.
Please label your child’s coats, book bags and other belongings so that they may be identified if they are lost. Students who lose personal items should inform the classroom teacher; together they will check Lost & Found. Timber Drive is not responsible for lost items.
Timber Drive Staff is a Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) school. Students are instructed on universal procedures and routines in all areas of the school. They are rewarded for demonstrating H.O.W.L. expectations (Please see below). Students will accept responsibility in following these expectations as well as the consequences from any staff member when they do not.
We solicit the support of all parents in helping make TDES a great school.
H Have respect for self, others, and property.O Own your actions.
W Work hard every day.
L Listen to and follow directions.
School Office …………………………………………….…….. (919) 773-9500
Attendance ………………………….………………….…….. (919) 773-9500 EXT 21320
Cafeteria ……………………………….………………..…….. (919) 773-9500 EXT 21307
School Counselor ……………………….....………………. (919) 773-9500 EXT 21314
School Social Worker............................................. (919) 773-9500 EXT 21306
Timber Drive YMCA Office ……………………………... (919) 412-6061
Transportation ………………………..……………………… (919) 805-3030
Central Office …………………………………………………. (919) 431-7703
School Website ......................................... http://timberdrivees.wcpss.net
Breakfast is served from 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM. Lunch accounts may be prepaid to the cafeteria. Weekly or monthly payments work well.
*Lunch prices will be: Full price - $3.00
*Breakfast prices will be: Full price - $1.50
WCPSS offers the “myschoolbucks” service to parents. It’s an easy-to-use service that is convenient, private and secure. Simply go to www.myschoolbucks.com to enroll and start using the site to deposit funds into your child’s lunch account. If you have questions regarding this payment option, please call Child Nutrition Services at (919) 856-2818.*Prices subject to change.
Our school hosts many celebrations throughout the year. The events are announced through the PTA, classroom newsletters and local newspapers. Health, safety and instructional focus dictate that balloons, flowers, gifts, etc. will not be delivered to classrooms. Such recognition are appropriate for home. Please do not ask staff members to place invitations in classroom student folders, as they are not obliged to do so.
Board Policy on Student Dress – “Students are expected to adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with an effective learning environment. Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing which is disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, offensive or obscene, or which endangers the health or safety of the student or others is prohibited. Examples of prohibited dress or appearance include, but are not limited to exposed undergarments; sagging pants; excessively short or tight garments; bare midriff shirts; strapless shirts; attire with messages or illustrations that are lewd, indecent or vulgar or that advertise any product or service not permitted by law to minors; head covering of any kind; see-through clothing; attire that exposes cleavage; any adornment such as chains or spikes that reasonably could be perceived as or used as a weapon; and any attire that is prohibited by Policy 6410 Level III:2, Gang and Gang-Related Activities.”
Volunteers are a very special resource and we solicit and welcome your many talents. Parents are encouraged to volunteer by notifying the PTA volunteer committee, the guidance counselor or IRT, and/or the classroom teacher. Communicating your service availability is important so the teacher can plan a productive volunteer activity. Remember to sign-in at the office and get a visitor pass. All volunteers (including field trip chaperones) must register online in the school and sign a confidentiality agreement.
Volunteers must register each school year and have an approved criminal record check prior to engaging in volunteer work. The volunteer system will be open daily for registration. Volunteers may register at any Wake County public school.
Families and businesses are encouraged to join and support the PTA. General meetings are scheduled one time each quarter and will be publicized through teacher newsletters, posted on the PTA bulletin board near the main office, and via School Messenger system.
A variety of cultural arts programs are integrated throughout the school year. The PTA sponsors several of these performances and others are designed and implemented by our staff. The programs are selected to benefit our students culturally, socially and intellectually.
FIELD TRIPSField trips are scheduled throughout the year and pertinent information will be sent home prior to each event. The following are necessary for participation by the student:
Permission form signed by parent/guardian (WCPSS Form 1713a, revised 10/03)
Money for cost of trip received and receipted by school
Cafeteria form (bringing lunch from home, need to purchase bag lunch from school).
Parent chaperones are appreciated and the teacher will determine the number needed. Anyone wishing to chaperone must first register and receive clearance with the WCPSS volunteer system. All parents who wish to chaperone at any point during the year are encouraged to register within the first month of school. Since the role of the chaperone is to help ensure safety and the welfare of students and to assist in the learning experience, chaperones should not bring siblings of any age.WCPSS CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT
All students shall comply with the Code of Student Conduct of the Wake County Public School System, state and federal laws, school board policies, and local school rules governing student behavior and conduct. This code applies to any student who is on school property, who is in attendance at school or at any school-sponsored activity, or whose conduct at any time, place, or cyberspace, on or off campus, has or is reasonably expected to have a direct and immediate impact on the orderly and efficient operation of the schools or the safety of individuals in the school environment.
Todos los estudiantes deberán cumplir con el Código de conducta del Sistema de Escuelas Públicas del Condado Wake, las leyes estatales y federales, las políticas del consejo escolar y las normas escolares locales que rigen tanto el comportamiento como la conducta de los estudiantes. Este código aplica a cualquier estudiante que está dentro de la propiedad de la escuela, que asiste a la escuela o a cualquier actividad patrocinada por la escuela, o cuya conducta en cualquier momento, lugar, en el ciberespacio, dentro o fuera del plantel escolar ha tenido o razonablemente se espera que tenga un impacto directo e inmediato sobre la operación ordenada y eficiente de las escuelas o la seguridad de las personas en el entorno escolar.