

    What types of devices may students bring?
    Any device that is portable and can provide Internet access can be used. That would include mostly smartphones, tablets and laptops.


    Why is it advantageous for students to bring devices from home?
    Students in BYOD see their own personal devices as something more than just a toy or a phone. They will now be able to appreciate them as learning devices. Also, we are seeing a lot of creativity going on. Students are excited and motivated to perform learning tasks on the devices they bring from home. It’s a “familiarity” thing for them.


    What about equity? Will students who cannot bring their own devices from home be at a disadvantage?
    All learning activities that students can do with their personal devices will also be able to be performed with devices the school provides. Full access is made available to each and every student. BYOD will encourage students to see their personal devices as tools for learning and not just as “toys” for gaming, texting, etc.  This can foster collaboration among students, as well.


    What about Internet safety?
    Safety and security measures are in place for personal devices just as they are for equipment provided by the school. Wi-fi access will come with the same security walls, etc., that are in place for all school devices.


    Is this one more thing for teachers to have to worry about? How are they supported in this?
    WCPSS is working in partnership with the NC State University Friday Institute to offer professional development for BYOD teachers. Teachers are pleased that more school-provided devices are available for instruction, and that makes their jobs easier, and more rewarding.