HGES & WCPSS Homework Policies
Holly Grove Elementary's Homework Policy
We consider homework to be a worthwhile use of time outside of the regular school hours to practice, maintain, enrich, complete, or make-up classroom activities. Homework is to help develop independent study habits and appreciation for learning.
Homework will emphasize practice in basis skills previously taught, studying for a test, make-up work following an absence from school, remedial activities, and project/enrichment activities that extend classroom learning. Reading a variety of books to enhance reading skills is encouraged. Students are encouraged to read 20 to 30 minutes each night in addition to their regular assignments. Drills in the fundamental skills of a particular subject, creative writing, compositions, and summaries may also be assigned. Homework usually will not be assigned on evenings in which school activities have been scheduled.
Time Parameters:
Grade Daily Time
K-2: 20 minutes
3-5: 50 minutesIn the event a student has two teachers in grades 3-5, each teacher may give up to 25 minutes of homework each day. If an excessive amount of time beyond these limits is being spent on homework each night, it should be a signal to check with the teacher to see if there is a problem. Because homework is designed to help students with a wide range of subjects and to reinforce and to apply many different skills, homework assignments will be varied to fit the needs of the students.
Holly Grove Elementary's Homework Policy can be found in the Student/Parent Handbook.
Wake County's Homework Policy
The Wake County Board of Education recognizes the importance of homework in supplementing classroom instruction and furthering the goals of the educational program. Homework reinforces learning and fosters independence, responsibility, and self-direction.
Homework assignments should strengthen skills, provide practice in subjects that already have been taught in class, and/or improve a student’s ability to work independently. Because each student spends a major part of each weekday in class and because there are other valuable experiences to be gained outside school, homework shall be planned carefully and evaluated periodically regarding its appropriateness. Teachers should take into consideration the differences in financial, educational, and technological resources of students and their parents or guardians when making assignments. In addition, the amount of time necessary to complete the tasks should be reasonable in light of the age and maturity of the students and other assignments given to the students.
Principals shall ensure that homework assignments are made in accordance with this policy. Principals are encouraged to involve staff, parents, and students in developing standards for appropriate types and amounts of homework for the school or particular grade levels. Homework guidelines shall be incorporated into each school-based grading plan.
Legal References: G.S. 115C-36, -47, -307
Adopted: May 3, 2016WCPSS Policy can be located here: WCPSS Homework Policy