


    At WFHS, we not only want you to be able to successfully learn in the classroom environment; we also want you to develop character that will help you flourish whether you choose to enter the workforce, the military, or higher education. We not only want you to succeed in school, we want you to succeed in ALL of your future endeavors.

    This is why we have chosen to focus on the character traits of Punctuality, Respect, Integrity, Determination and Excellence as our expectations for behavior in all areas of Wake Forest High School. Developing these character traits during your four high school years by practicing them with each and every teacher will do nothing but benefit you for years to come.



     School Wide Expectations          

     We know it can be challenging to figure out four different teachers when they each might have completely different expectations for you in their classroom. Teachers have tried to make this adaptation easier for YOU by agreeing to hold the same basic expectations in all areas of the school. These are the expectations, known as the PBIS Matrix, which all teachers agree to hold in their classroom, so you can be successful in every classroom.  Please familiarize yourself with these expectations so you can help make your school a positive learning environment for everyone.



    PRIDE in the Forest, Home of the Cougars


    PBIS Chart