Student Behavior

  • School-Wide Behavior Expectations - How We SOAR to Success at Brier Creek!SOAR to Success

    We SOAR to Success at Brier Creek by following four basic expectations:

    1. Show Self-Control
    2. Own a Positive Attitude
    3. Act Responsibly
    4. Respect Others

    These expectations are the norm for ALL JETS - students, staff, and parents. They serve as guidelines for behavior and apply to everyone across all settings.

    For students, when behavioral expectations are set, taught, and reinforced, several things are achieved:

    1. Students know and understand what's expected of them, which gives them confidence;
    2. Students monitor themselves and take more responsibility for their behavior and their learning; and
    3. Students spend more time on task and academic learning time increases.

    School-wide behavior expectations cohesively unite all the adults in using 1) common language, 2) common practices, and 3) consistent application of positive and negative reinforcement. 

    P2 and SOAR Alignment

    At Brier Creek, there is a defined set of expectations for the common areas of the school (behavior matrix) and behavior is positively reinforced using the Boarding Pass system. When a class is observed to be meeting expectations, they can earn a Boarding Pass. Through collection of multiple Boarding Passes, the class earns reinforcements such as a shout-out on the announcements, getting their picture posted, a Mystery Reader, fun school supplies, and more! Our behavior matrix is below:

    SOAR Matrix


    Within the classrooms, each teacher sets his or her own expectations in alignment with SOAR and reinforces those expectations as part of his/her classroom management plan. Please reach out to your child's teacher to learn more about the behavior expectations and reinforcement system within the classroom.