• Pleasant Union Elementary Registration Information

    We at Pleasant Union Elementary want to make the registration process as easy as possible. Rising Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before August 31st. Here is some information that we hope you will find helpful.

    Please call our Data Manager, Joyce Baginski at (919) 870-4230 if you have any questions.

    Items needed for registration:

      • Certified Birth Certificate
        • Contact the school if you do not have a certified copy.
      • Immunization Records
        • Not mandatory for enrollment
      • Proofs of Residence
        • Please bring two items. Wake County accepts ONLY the following - Signed Purchase Contract, Signed Closing Settlement, Signed Lease Agreement, current electric, water or gas Bill
        • If you are living with someone and all of the bills are in their name, please complete the Affidavit of Residence Form.
      • Parent/Guardian photo ID


    Additional/Optional Forms