
    Summer Athletic Activities:


    At this time, we do not have any further information as to when athletic activities will be able to resume. When we do, we will post a schedule of summer workout times for each sport. In the meantime, contact the head coach of the sport in which you wish to play for further information.


    Fall Sports

    Football (Head)              Reggie Lucas rlucas2@wcpss.net
    Cheerleading (Varsity)    Robbin Faulkner rfaulkner@wcpss.net
    Golf (Girls)                    Jennifer Gantz jgantz@wcpss.net
    Golf (Girls)                    Jeremiah Mattingly jmattingly@wcpss.net
    Soccer (Varsity - Boys)  Rick Pittarelli rpittarelli@gmail.com
    Cross Country               Patrick Marshall pmarshall@wcpss.net
    Gynmastics (Head)        Haven Shirely havenn1999@gmail.com
    Volleyball (Varsity)        Crystal Barnes cybarnes@wcpss.net
    Tennis (Girls)                Brian Lesh blesh@wcpss.net


    Winter Sports

    Basketball (Varsity boys)   TBA
    Basketball (Varsity girls)   Clinton Williams cwilliams12@wcpss.net
    Wrestling                         Andrew Shrader andyshrader@hotmail.com
    Swimming                       Justin Richards rrichards1@wcpss.net
    Indoor Track                   Patrick Marshall pmarshall@wcpss.net


    Spring Sports

    Baseball (Varsity)           Mike Joyner mjoyner2@wcpss.net
    Softball (Varsity)            Brittany Owens bowens3@wcpss.net
    Lacrosse (V - Boys)        John Fernandez jfernandez@wcpss.net
    Lacrosse (V - Girls)        Ivan Braszo ibraszo@wcpss.net
    Soccer (Varsity Girls)     Jeremiah Mattingly jmattingly@wcpss.net
    Track (Head)                 Patrick Marshall pmarshall@wcpss.net
    Tennis (Boys)                Brian Lesh blesh@wcpss.net
    Stunt                           Jen Savage jsavage@wcpss.net
    Golf (Boys)                   Justin Richards rrichards1@wcpss.net