• NRE Walker Procedures

    Only students who live in the walk zone can walk to and from school. Students must be walking to and from a home, not a car.  Any students walking to a car will have their walker privileges revoked. These students will have to use carpool.

    We will have two types of walkers: dependent walkers and independent walkers. Dependent walkers must be accompanied by an adult or older sibling. Students in grades K and 1 will be regular walkers. Independent walkers can walk home by themselves. Students in grades 2-5 can be independent walkers if they have a completed permission form on file with the school.

    Walker numbers

    All dependent walkers will be issued a carpool tag with a special decal on it. These tags will be used for picking walkers up from the Multi-Purpose Room (Walker Room). They can also be used as carpool tags if the family chooses to use carpool on particular days. If you would like a carpool number for an independent walker, please register for a carpool number.

    Dependent Walkers

    Dependent walkers will receive a walker tag for their bookbags. Dependent walkers must be accompanied by an adult or older sibling when walking to and from school.  All dependent walkers will report to the Multi-Purpose Room (Walker Room) at the end of the day.  Parents or guardians will meet the walkers at the doors on the exterior of the Multi-Purpose Room (Walker Room).  Parents will be given a carpool tag/number.  This tag/number should be displayed to pick walkers up. Once parents have their children, they may walk to Harps Mill or Staghorn and then home.  

    Older siblings who are independent walkers may serve as escorts for their K-1 brothers and sisters if they have permission. To give permission, list their names on the independent walker form. Regular walkers who have permission to walk with older siblings will have a sticker dot added to their walker tag indicating they can walk with an older sibling.  

    Independent walkers

    Students in grades 2-5 may walk home independently with permission from a parent or guardian. Parents will need to complete the Independent Walker Permission Form.  Independent walkers will receive a walker tag for their bookbags. Friends who are NOT approved to walk independently may NOT walk home with independent walkers. No student will be dismissed to walk independently without a completed form and a visible walker tag. Classmates who do not live in the walk zone can not walk home with independent walkers. Independent walkers should report to two locations (Staghorn Lane walkers and Harps Mill walkers) inside the building at dismissal. They will form a line and be escorted off campus by a staff member at 3:45 p.m. Once walked off campus, independent walkers will be expected to walk straight home.  

    Suspension of privileges

    Walking privileges may be suspended for any child who exhibits unsafe behaviors when walking, is walking to a car for pickup, or moves and no longer resides in the walk zone.