Our Vision:
Bugg Magnet Elementary Center for Design & Computer Sciences is a dynamic school community where authentic experiences as Digital Citizens, Computational Thinkers, and Innovative Designers support students' academic achievement and prepare them to be collaborative problem solvers who positively impact our world.
Learner Profile:
The Bugg Learner Profile outlines specific learning targets for each grade band (K/1, 2/3, 4/5) to ensure that students are working towards milestones that will prepare them to be confident Digital Citizens, Computational Thinkers, and Innovative Designers by the time they are ready to leave elementary school. These learning targets build upon one another so that students are continuing to reinforce and extend their previous learning from year to year.
Innovative Designers
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
I can...
- empathize with others by recognizing how they are feeling and how I might feel in their situation
- brainstorm new ideas and record them with drawings
- make something new by following steps in the design process
- reflect on my work and tell about what I did well and what would make it even better
2nd & 3rd Grade
I can...
- use empathy to design new things that are helpful to others
- write and explain the step-by-step process I will use to complete a project design
- work independently or collaboratively to design and test a prototype and communicate my findings to others
- reflect on my designs and make improvements based on my findings and feedback from others
4th & 5th Grade
I can...
- consider diverse perspectives and user preferences when designing something new
- develop ideas for innovative designs and describe expected outcomes
- implement the design process with an end goal in mind, considering requirements and possible constraints
- refine and revise a project design based upon test results, peer feedback and reflection
Computational Thinkers
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
I can...
- decompose a problem into smaller steps
- identify patterns
- abstract the important parts of a problem
- follow an algorithm to complete a task
2nd & 3rd Grade
I can...
- decompose a problem into smaller steps and complete the steps
- identify patterns and sort and analyze data
- abstract the important and unimportant parts of a problem
- follow an algorithm to solve a problem
4th & 5th Grade
I can...
- decompose a large task or problem to create and refine a process
- identify patterns, sort and analyze data to predict trends
- abstract the critical attributes of a problem, address barriers, and design a solution
- create and follow an algorithm to invent an efficient solution
Digital Citizens
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
I can...
- explain how technology is good and bad for me
- be kind online, use teacher-directed websites, and use kid-friendly search engines
- give credit to others for their work by finding the name of the author
- practice login and logoff procedures when using my device
- take care of my device
2nd & 3rd Grade
I can...
- explain digital footprint and identify ways to stay safe online
- be kind to others and share appropriate information online
- give credit to others for their work by sharing the source’s information
- Use Creative Commons resources
- Keep my personal information private and explain why
4th & 5th Grade
I can...
- cultivate and manage a positive online identity
- work safely, appropriately, and respectfully online with others
- give credit to others for their work by writing citations
- use Creative Commons resources and work in the public domain
- create a strong password to keep my personal information and data private