Request for Excused Absences
Salem Elementary Request for Excused Absence for Educational Reasons
According to the Wake County Board Policy #600.3, an absence may be excused for the following reason: Participation in a VALID educational opportunity (as documented on the “Request for Excused Absence for Educational Reasons” form).
A Request for Excused Absence for Educational Reasons form must be completed and received at least two weeks in advance. “Family trips and vacations that were not designed initially to be educational will not be excused.”
A request may be denied if it is:
- not submitted in time
- does not include enough information to be considered an educational opportunity that is of comparable value to a student’s regular attendance in school (the grade level’s curriculum)
- a family trip that was not educational from the onset
We recognize the value of family time and are fully aware that some vacations and other absences cannot be planned during non-school days. However, please consider the impact of missed instructional time on your child’s academic progress. The teacher cannot teach your child if he/she is not at school. Whenever possible, please plan your vacations and other absences during track-outs. This will help your child reach his/her full academic potential.
A student may be withdrawn from the school after 10 days of unexcused absences. While students who have more than 30 days of absences in a year (excused or unexcused) are reviewed for possible retention, a student will not be retained as a result of absences if he/she is academically prepared for the next grade. Status reports on attendance are sent home periodically throughout the year.
Missed Work
The following are school-wide expectations for missed work:
- For absences of one (1) to three (3) days, the students will have one day for each day absent. For absences exceeding three (3) days, the student may have two (2) days for each day absent to make up work. Special consideration will be given in the case of extended absences due to injury or chronic illness.
- Work will not be provided prior to any anticipated student absences. Students will receive any missed work that needs to be made up upon returning to school following an absence.
- Only work completed at school will count toward a student’s grade.
🔗 Click here to fill out the Wake County REQUEST FOR EXCUSED ABSENCE Form